Our core value of passion for learning was evident the last two weekends in January, 2010, when 36 of our Flagstone and Touchstone therapists attended the company-sponsored 30-hour PAM (physical agent modality) seminar. The seminar was taught by Michelle Cameron M.D., P.T., O.C.S. Michelle is a practicing physician who wrote the textbook, Physical Agents in Rehabilitation: from Research to Practice. This book is widely used in PT programs.
The 30-hour PAM seminar consisted of lectures, case studies, and lots of hands-on practice labs where students were able to learn safe and effective techniques using U.S., superficial modality agents, laser light therapy, e-stim, and TENS units. Even though there was no heat in the room, everyone learned a lot and had a great time doing lab breakouts. Can you imagine doing cryotherapy labs in a freezing room?
It was also a great opportunity for our therapists to meet and network with each other. I would like to thank everyone who dedicated two weekends to attend this seminar. I also want to thank Southland Care Center’s Administrator, Jim Morrison, for allowing us to host this seminar at the facility and assisting to set it up.
If you are interested in having this course for your area, please e-mail me at mmirhosseini@ensigngroup.net