Managing wounds is one of the most critical components of helping patients to heal after surgery and get back to living their lives. With the Post-Myocutaneous Flap Rehabilitation Program at Englewood Post Acute Rehab, we have experienced positive outcomes with patients in need of post-surgery wound care.
The program took root through a relationship established between an ED (who is an RN) and a local reconstructive surgeon. As a result of discussions about the growth potential of a program geared toward post-myocutaneous flap rehabilitation, we determined that there was a great need in the community for a program addressing this type of therapy.
After obtaining physician protocols, we were able to train therapy and nursing staff in the use of MIST® Therapy to heal sutures post-surgery. MIST Therapy is a painless, noncontact, low-frequency ultrasound delivered through a saline mist to the wound bed. Unlike most wound therapies that are limited to treating the wound surface, the gentle sound waves of MIST Therapy stimulate the cells within and below the wound bed to accelerate the normal healing process.
With additional training provided to staff regarding the care, turning and sitting tolerance schedules, the program has welcomed seven patients thus far and continues to grow. Our positive outcomes have led the surgeon to refer additional patients with surgical closures and severe wounds.
MIST Therapy recommended by the surgeon can be done by an RN, thereby decreasing therapy minutes while patients build sitting tolerance. We are seeing a greater need for nursing staff due to MIST treatments and sitting schedules. We also see extreme variations in patient abilities and PLOF.
As we continue to fine-tune the program, we will be actively assessing the power mobility of this population, including the potential for re-integration activities. We look forward to seeing the program grow and potentially serve as a benchmark for facilities wishing to implement such a program.
By Deming Haugland DPT, DOR, Englewood Post Acute Rehab, Englewood, CO