Strategies for Medicare Therapy Documentation
in SNF and Outpatient Settings
by Lori O’Hara, MA, CCC-SLP
Director of the ADR and Appeals Team for Ensign Services, Inc.
(2 credit hours)
Free! No cost or obligation! (But seating is limited…)
Register today by contacting Jamie Funk at 1-877-595-0509 or email
Two Class Times and Locations
Tuesday, June 21st, 6-8 pm
Gateway Transitional Care Center
527 Memorial Drive
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
Wednesday, June 22nd, 6-8 pm
Parke View Rehabilitation & Care Center
2303 Parke Avenue
Burley, ID 83318

Develop a vocabulary to have at your fingertips that shows how your services are reasonable and necessary, and showcases your skill as a therapist. This course will show you how to think your way through the CMS requirements to quickly and efficiently find the language you need so your documentation can stand up to an audit.
Lori O’Hara, MA, CCC-SLP, directs the ADR and Appeals team for Ensign Services, Inc. and teaches documentation strategies designed to help amazing therapists be equally amazing documenters of their services. She has more than 20 years of experience in the field of SNF and outpatient therapy as a director and trainer.
This course is free but pre-registration is required. To register please contact Jamie Funk:
1-877-595-0509 or jfunk@ensignservices.net