Mike Johanson, Physical Therapist for Horizon Home Health and Hospice, presented our first Stepping Stones – Balance and Falls Prevention course to therapists at our Horizon Home Health office in Boise, Idaho on July 25 and 26. With the support of Craig Esplin, Director of Rehab at Horizon, Steve Burningham, Administrator Horizon Home Health and Hospice, and Danny Walker, CEO of Cornerstone, Mike was given the time and support to create a very special program to help reach patients and clients in need. Seventeen therapists attended the course, including Beth Orcutt who traveled all the way from our Connected Home Health Office in Oregon. Mike and Craig are taking this awesome, interactive 1.2 (12 contact hours) CEU Course on the road, with their next stop at our Symbii Home Health branch in UT later this month. Stay connected at www.EnsignTherapy.com for more information.