Wow! This week, during our Transformational Leadership – Unit 3 discussion, Dr. Roussel shared a wealth of information on Emotional Intelligence as a Core Leadership Skill. Course Participants in can access the tools and resources available for further exploration of your own Emotional Intelligence and awareness of characteristics in others by visiting Ensign U. Today’s WebEx Meeting will also be uploaded. How does Emotional Intelligence impact you as a leader? If you haven’t had a chance to complete the viewing of resources in Unit 1 (Defining Leadership) and Unit 2 (Complexity, Chaos and Change), please take some time to do so. ALSO, the strengths assessment available to you through your book, Leadership 2.0, provides some amazing information to further your understanding of your own leadership strengths. Your personal code for completing the online strengths assessment is located at the back of the book. Please share your thoughts, questions, discussion, right here! Simply click the “Discuss” link to get started. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION.

I was wondering if you could tell me more about the Harvard Business Article. Deb
I really enjoyed today’s topic of Emotional Intelligence. I have been in previous leadership seminars, etc. where the emotional aspects of leadership were given little time/value and were certainly outweighed by other core skills. It was nice to hear Dr. Roussel state how important EI is to being a good leader.
Thank you for the kind feedback! I have followed EI since the ’90s and continue to be “wowed” by the impact, particularly from the brain chemistry perspective!
Thanks for sharing.
What love to hear from others!!
I am travelling and forgot to bring my journal. I put a free app on my phone “Gratitude Journal” – very cool – puts date and time – has some inspirational quotes on each page – I prefer to write in a real book – but this sure is handy – when have a few minutes can easily jot down something – “TY for opportunity to help someone in need” – just wrote this on my app – way cool!